
Unlocking the Tomb - Gideon & Harrow the Ninth Merch

Created by Mayticks - Unlocking the Tomb

Enamel Pins and Other Merchandise for Gideon & Harrow the Ninth - Officially Endorsed by Tamsyn Muir!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit, Surveys, and Apple Emails, oh my!
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Oct 31, 2020 at 01:15:07 PM

All aboard the Bone Train to Merch Town!

A massive 66% of you have already responded to your surveys!! Wowza, that's huge! Thank you so much for your swiftness! The quicker we get all of your responses, the quicker I can get final numbers to my manufacturers - which means they can start making - which means I can get your Bone Stuff to you even sooner! I'll be sending out reminder emails to everyone yet to complete their surveys, so keep an eye out! 

I've also gotten a few queries from backers regarding missing survey emails! If you haven't gotten a survey yet (especially if you used an Apple email address to sign up to KickStarter - it doesn't seem to send correctly), please get in touch! I can update your email address in BackerKit and re-send it. This will also avoid any missed communications down the line! 

*A Reminder* The Backer Surveys and Pre-Order Store will be closing on the 7th of November AEDT. After that, the surveys and orders will be locked, so make sure you're ready to go by then! 

Feel free to get in touch (via KickStarter or BackerKit) if you have any other questions, queries, issues, or concerns! 

Lots of love, 


3D Printed Skulls!
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 02:29:30 PM

Hey everyone aboard the Bone Train,

We have new pictures of the finished 3D Printed (hand-finished) Stainless Steel skulls from our manufacturer! Look. At. These. 

A Well-Built Griddle (or two).

So yah. Wowza. The 3D Printed option in plastic is the same model, and same manufacturer, and you can order either as an add-on with your survey (if you were a KickStarter backer) or through the pre-order store HERE (if you weren't a backer but still want in on the action)! The surveys and pre-order store will be closed on the 7th of November AEDT.

More than half of you have already completed your surveys, so thank you very much! I'm very excited to start placing the big orders with the manufacturer, and I'll be keeping you all updated as things arrive!

Lots of love,


Surveys Sent! Pre-Order Store! Bookmarks!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 10:35:39 PM

Hey beautiful Bone Fam! Big news today --- Surveys have been sent out! Please check your emails (the one associated with your KickStarter account) and go ham..! Surveys will be locked on the 7th of November AEDT. 

The Pre-Order store is now also live! You can find it HERE. It will be closed on 7th of November AEDT. 

Also, the Bookmarks arrived at Bone HQ today and they are literally incredible! Behold the shiny glory: 

Lots of love,


More Photos! Pre-Order Store!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 04:53:39 PM

Hey there Bone Fam, got some good news from Bone HQ! We have photos of the Princess of Ida Earrings, fresh out of the mold! Obviously these are yet to be assembled (that happens right here at the hands of our in-house chainmail/jewellery expert, Cin), but they are looking amazing

We also got a better photo of the Bookmark today! Apparently our manufacturer's whole office is going nuts for these shiny babies!

ALSO - some big news for those who missed out on the KickStarter! BackerKit allows us to have a Pre-Order Store! That means that there's still a chance to get in on the first wave of merchandise! The Pre-Order Store will be opened when the surveys are sent out, and closed when the surveys are locked. Please tell anyone you know who might have missed out on backing the KickStarter-- hope is not lost, get on this!! 

Wishing you all a fabulous week,


almost 4 years ago – Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 12:57:45 AM

Howdy there! Little update for you from Bone HQ -- we received a photo (not the best photo ever, I do apologise) of the finished Bookmark from the manufacturer! 

12cm high in black base metal, glitter enamel, with an epoxy finish!

These will be on their way to Bone HQ shortly, and we should be getting an image of the Princess of Ida earrings in the next few days, too! 

A little general update-- KickStarter is still processing funds, but BackerKit is just about ready to go as soon as that's complete! Production is chugging along nicely and everything is on track. I can't wait to get all these bad-ass bones out to you! 

Wishing you all a wonderful week,
